Indian Stock Market started on a vigilant note on Monday following muted trend seen in other Asian markets. Tracking the momentum today market opening Nifty 50-share index was trading at 6192.60, down 16 points or 0.26 per cent. It touched a high of 6,224.70 and a low of 6,189.65 in early trade and BSE Sensex was trading at 20,806.43, down 44 points or 0.21 per cent. It touched a high of 20,913.79 and a low of 20,786.51 in trade.

Today In Stock market Tata Motors, ONGC, Infosys , Sun Pharma and Wipro were among the major Sensex gainers. and Tata Power , M&M , NTPC , L&T and Bajaj Auto were among the index losers.

The Indian rupee opened lower by 19 paise at 62.35 per dollar against 62.16 in Inteenational maekt Asian markets are broadly lower today with shares in Japan off the most. The Nikkei 225 is down 1.96% while China's Shanghai Composite is off 1.93% and Hong Kong's Hang Seng is lower by 0.60%.

06/01/2013 Free Intraday Equity Trading Tips

SELL - Bank of Baroda below 645 Target 642/640/638 Stop Loss 650
BUY - Wipro Ltd. above 560 Target 563/567/570 Stop Loss 549